i want to improve my ability to communicate in english 意味

  • 私の英語で意思を伝えあう能力を高めたい


        have enough ability to communicate freely in english:    英語{えいご}で自由自在{じゆう じざい}に[不自由{ふじゆう}なく]コミュニケーションを取る能力{のうりょく}がある[ことができる]
        communicate in english:    英語{えいご}で意思疎通{いしそつう}する[コミュニケーションを取る]
        able to communicate in english:    《be ~》英語{えいご}が通じる
        communicate in plain english:    分かりやすい英語{えいご}でコミュニケーションを取る
        communicate well in english:    英語{えいご}できちんとコミュニケーションする
        ability at english:    英語{えいご}の能力{のうりょく}
        confident of one's ability to communicate with:    《be ~》(人)とのコミュニケーション能力{のうりょく}に自信{じしん}がある
        enhance one's ability to communicate:    コミュニケーション能力{のうりょく}を高める
        all i want for christmas:    {映画} : クリスマスに万歳!◆米1991
        i just want to do:     (I) jùst wánt to do ((略式))ただちょっと…したくて《◆進言や質問をするときに唐突さを避け,控え目に言う言い方;不定詞はsay,ask,tell you,be,comeなど》.
        i want to know:     I wànt to knów. ((米略式))あれー,まさか,ほんとなの(知らなかった).
        i want to live!:    {映画} : 私は死にたくない◆米1958《監督》ロバート?ワイズ《出演》スーザン?ヘイワード《受賞》アカデミー主演女優賞
        i want you:    {映画} : 我が心の呼ぶ声◆米1951
        to the best of my poor ability:    微力ながらも力の及ぶ限り
        as i know to my cost:    苦い経験で知っていることだが The sun can be very strong down there as I know to my cost. 苦い経験で知っているのだが、あの辺りはかなり日差しが強くなる


  1. "i want to go over the details one more time before we leave" 意味
  2. "i want to have a fitting for a suit" 意味
  3. "i want to have my ashes buried under this oak tree" 意味
  4. "i want to have partial payment (in advance)" 意味
  5. "i want to hear the news (straight) from the horse's mouth" 意味
  6. "i want to increase my knowledge about asia" 意味
  7. "i want to insure my house" 意味
  8. "i want to keep my name out of this affair" 意味
  9. "i want to keep some record of this meeting in written form" 意味
  10. "i want to have partial payment (in advance)" 意味
  11. "i want to hear the news (straight) from the horse's mouth" 意味
  12. "i want to increase my knowledge about asia" 意味
  13. "i want to insure my house" 意味

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